Diversity Equity and Inclusion


I acknowledge that my clinic, Silverdale Holistic Therapy, is situated on the land of the Whadjuk Noongar people of the Noongyar nation. 

I pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging, as well as to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our wider communities.

Here is the hills of Perth, I also pay respects to Mundy, whom Kalamunda is named after. Kalamunda means “place of fire.

Mundy was an elder of the hills, known to bring people together by holding fire nights so community would and could come together to chat and share stories.

Over 10 years ago, as part of my Flower Essence Practitioner training I participated in an Aboriginal healing ceremony, known a Flower Pit healing.

A Flower Pit Healing is a tribal healing, where a pit is dug, filled with low lit coals, lined with bark and native flowers. 

One person chosen by an elder enters the pit and is covered with Kangaroo skin. Laying totally engulfed within the flower pit, something deep and healing transpires through the energy transfer of the flowers, whilst the surrounding tribe chant, singing songs to the earth and to the tribe.

It also helped me understand the power of tribal ceremony. All are one in this process, all are connected. It was and is incredibly powerful.

It was an experience that changed me. 


It also helped me understand the power of generational healing, of healing through the connection of the earth and each other. And how necessary ceremony is and was to the Aboriginal people linking them to each other and the land. It is a connection like no other. 

It was here my respect for the land and our Aboriginal cultural heritage was ignited.

Studying deeper into Aboriginal culture, their stories and narratives. Taking me on a journey to understand our history and the blatant disregard for the truth of what occurred to the Aboriginal people and their culture.

The divide between Australian white society and indigenous culture is deeply prevalent. All part of the microcosm of White Supremacy.

White supremacy insidiously infiltrates and festers in our society in the most covert ways. 

It appears in all that we see, feel, and sense And it has done so for generations. 

I’m here as part of a new generation who are willing to do what it takes to shift the narrative, bring awareness to my own unconscious bias and support the process of the creation of a new way.

I welcome and treat many people of all cultural and religious backgrounds. This includes black, brown, indigenous, people of colour, and any one of differentiating sexual or gender identification. 

Through my training I’ve come to understand the depth of the trauma associated with systemic racism, inequality and lack of inclusion and through continual education working with educators, healers and influences in this space including Nick Abraham, Hannah Rachel Bell, Jack Charles, Louise O’Reilly, Annie Gichuru, Narelda Jacobs, Dr Rosales Meza, Layla F. Saad, Noel Nannup, and Rebecca Yates, to expand and grow my awareness in this area.

Currently Silverdale Natural Therapy support the Pay It Forward program with Dreamtime Aroha. Donating on quarterly basis Jarjams to children in outback communities. And looking to expand further support is similar projects in the future.

This is a self funded start up, a project that gives remote indigenous families toys that represent them. A means to bring pride and self determination to the next indigenous generation. They are seen and acknowledged.

I also offer pricing for marginalised groups and individuals should any of the flower essence products or programmes resonate.

At this time, I am working through course work with with Dr Rocio Rosales Meza, to learn and understand the traumas associated with colonisation. From my understanding this is the core of all trauma.

This is such deep and confronting work but also so necessary. White wealth was and has been built on the annihilation of indigenous culture. Unless we confront the shadows of these truths we will continue the same cycles. There’s a responsibility we all have to right the wrongs of previous generations and course correct the relationship we have with ourselves, and the earth. And each other. 

I’m deeply committed to being an equitable and racially diverse business and supporting businesses that are of like mind and who continually seek better ways for us to serve and bridge the gaps where these exist.