How to Work with Flower Essences
& Flower Essence Therapy

What Are Flower Essences?

Flower Essences are the encapsulated healing vibration of flowers. Each flower has its own healing vibration, and signature. 

The way the plant and flower grow are indicators of its healing essence. 

Through the lunar cycle – flowers are picked and placed in water and over time the healing vibration of the flower is released into the water – which then becomes the stock essence.

For millennia, Australian Aborigines and many first people cultures have harnessed the transformative power of flower essences, utilising them to foster healing within themselves, their tribes, and the Earth. 

A profound tradition spanning 65 thousand years, it is recounted that infants were welcomed into the world nestled within earth pits adorned with Boab flowers.

The Boab essence, a revered remedy, serves as a conduit for dispelling negative emotional and mental family patterns perpetuated through generations.

This essence possesses the unique ability to access and clear these core patterns along with their associated beliefs. They can awaken and soothe. Support you to cope after deep loss, rejuvenate, help us focus and also quieten the mind.

Our First Nations people possessed a profound understanding of energy patterns, recognising the imperative of tending to the well-being of successive generations as an inherent aspect of their cultural heritage and purpose.

I have created my own range of Flower Essences you can buy online and offer Flower Reading and Healing within my Perth Hills clinic, 10 mins from Kalamunda and 35 mins from Perth  –  You can find out more here.

Flower Essence Range

What is Flower Essence Therapy?

Flower Essence Therapy uses the healing vibration of flowers and encourages the connection and relationship to form with the flowers directly.  It is a way to transform and awaken inner wisdom using the vibrational support of the power of the flowers.

Flower Essences are very powerful, Flower Therapy takes things to another level as you are in direct relationship with the flowers and the plants. Working with the flowers over a longer and specific amount of time – patterns, ways of thinking, pain, grief and anxiety can all be worked through using the flower essences and the subtle ways and intimate ways the flowers show us our truth of what we need to see for our healing and creating a new perspective.

Flower Essence Therapy uses the symbolism and healing properties of flower to create healing and personal development strategies.

Flowers are the great attractors – you will gravitate to a certain flower when you need to feel and envelop its healing energy.



Flower Essences and Aboriginal Culture

Through training with the Living Essence Academy and Vasudeva and Kadambii Barnao. I was incredibly fortunate to participate in a flower pit healing. It was the most powerful experience that has stayed with me.

It helped me understand the power of collective process and understand the power of the flowers and the pure energy of nature.

Ken Colbung – indigenous name Nundjan Djiridjarkan was the Aboriginal elder that shared his wisdom and a relationship that spanned for many years.A prominent Aboriginal activist and respected Noongar Elder of the Bibbulmun people.

Nundjan was a black activist and campaigner for the recognition of cultural and human rights for Aboriginal people, he was actively involved in the Australian Black Power Movement of the 1960s and was instrumental in developing the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, which governs the protection and preservation of Indigenous heritage sites in Western Australia.

Nundjan is a well respected Aboriginal elder who passed in January of 2010.

Below is a video of Nundjan discussing the healing power of flowers, flower pit healing and the significance of this realm of healing from the Aboriginal cultural perspective.

Please note the following video contains pictures of an Aboriginal man and elder who has passed.


How are the Flower Essences Used?

Flower essences are used topically or orally. They are used in order to work through, heal and cope in ways we may never envisaged. 

They facilitate healing through their vibrational qualities and from this their “energy” moves into our energy system and their healing properties influence how we think and feel. 

They can also bring past memory and also ideas to the fore, things we may. have forgotten about come front of mind so they can seen and be conscious and integrated so we can evolve deeper into our soul.

Working with them over a longer period of time helps you to create a deeper connection to the flowers and plant medicine – by generating a relationship with the flowers directly you can feel into their healing offering. Using pictures and even a direct relationship can allow for the transference of healing directly. If you would like to have the opportunity to work with the flowers in the this way – Please check out my “Free Yourself” Program here.

Most commonly placing a few drops under the tongue. 

Taken morning and night, depending on what’s needed. You can also add to your water bottle and sip throughout the day.

You can also place them under your pillow to receive the healing energy from the flower.


How Can Work with Flower Essence Therapy?

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This is a self diagnosing reading.

You pick the flowers and interpret through the flowers current patters and healing themes.

This reading is very accurate. It will give you insight, and  next steps, what you need to focus on right now. 

A deeply resonate  flower essence will be created by you for you to support the healing insights received.

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Personalised Flower Essence

If you’d like a personalised essence that’s formulated especially for you. 

You can order this via the online store. 

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 A very powerful healing session allowing the pure energy of the flowers to flow through the body.

Let the flowers speak and weave their magic.

This is a 2 part session. Bowen Session included – $250 including Flower Essence

In clinic session only


Silverdale Holistic Therapy_elements_icon_beige

Your Self
3 Month Program

A very nourishing and targeted insight program that can show you where you are at, what you need and next steps in your human journey.

A very in depth and liberating way to rebuild or build a relationship to yourself and your inner nature using the power of flower essence. 

Offered Online and in person.

