Bowen Therapy

Once again you wake up. Your eyes are tired, your body stiff and even though you’re looking forward to the day ahead, it takes a huge amount of energy to put your feet on the ground and get out of bed.

Whether it’s chronic pain, hormonal issues, anxiety or stress – all of these are symptoms that point to a deeper issue that needs to be looked at.

As women we are natural multi-taskers. 

No matter if you’re career driven, a mother, a wife, and a fabulous friend life can be challenging and it’s even more challenging when you’re not feeling great, carrying an injury and your energy levels are low.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

“But I’ve already tried doctors and medication – it doesn’t work.”

This may not be working for you, because every woman is different. 

We didn’t arrive on earth as a one size fits all way to treat health problems. 

That’s why holistic natural therapies can have such a remarkable effect, as I match the treatment to the individual.

I know how isolating the depth of chronic pain can be after experiencing a debilitating back injury myself. It was through this experience.

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The benefits are far and wide.

  • Reduces stress within the body. Pain, discomfort, emotional anguish and trauma adds to the everyday stresses experienced.
  • It realigns posture. The aches and burning pains within the shoulder, neck and lower back are relieved. Changing the muscular skeletal structure to give relief.


  • It connects mind, body and soul. Relieves stress. If you’re the type of person who is constantly on the go. Tenacious mind chatter. A then find you crash and burn.


Bowen helps to gently bring yourself back to you. It helps to relieve stress, and allows the mind to come into the present moment.  

  • Relief from remedial long term health issues such as Lyme disease, autoimmune, adrenal fatigue, Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia.

Many find the relief they need when dealing with long term remedial health issues.


Bowen Therapy allows the body to rest, detox, rest and realign in a way that’s not only holistic but it reduces stress and by bringing the body back to its natural positioning a new balance is then created. Reducing symptoms and period of ill health.

Additionally, Bowen Therapy allows the body and the mind to come together. 

It’s a sure fine way to only gain the physical relief, yet the emotional relief too. 

The body is validated, therefore this can bring about an inner emotional connection. Merely through the information it receives. It allows you to come into the present moment. What’s important comes to mind and the rest is naturally let go.


There is nothing that lights me up more than supporting women on their healing journey.

Bowen Therapy helps us to reconnect to ourselves and our bodies on a cellular level.

Pain and trauma is stored within the cells of the body and by influencing this place, the body naturally will find its own alignment. 

A place of peace. Releasing what is no longer needed and giving almost immediate relief.

My clinic is nestled within the Perth Hills – I have a beautiful garden clinic. A treatment consists of a sequence of small moves, each at a specific place on the body and is done through light clothing. Treatments last 45 mins to an hour.

The holistic intention of Bowen Therapy has not changed. It is so clever. It uses the body’s own innate healing wisdom to shift, change, align and gift relief.

I am a fully qualified Bowen Therapist and part of the Australian Federation of Bowen Therapists.

Side note if applicable I may also blend other modalities such as flower essence therapy within your session. What I offer is very unique and combining these holistic modalities only add to the experience to bring the relief you need.


