Free Yourself
3 Month Flower Essence Program

Free Yourself Silverdale Natural Therapy PErth Kalamunda

The freedom to be yourself is an intention to connect to a part of you that knows.

If you are feeling like you are going around and around in circles. You feel stuck and life is presenting you with continuous crap, there may be a need to go deeper within yourself and access a new way.

There is a deep part of you, that yearns to be seen, understood, celebrated and realised. 

Sometimes all you need is time. And taking the time. A choice to reconnect, and learn more about your and what you love. It is about creating a sense of inner depth and allowing for new ways to present without the overwhelm of fear or the unknown hanging over your head.

Simply wading through life to find clarity can seem heavy, messy, and foreboding.

Especially if your mindset is negative or your outer life just won’t give you a break. You feel alone, or misunderstood, or not sure where to next.

You can change these patterns. You can also move forward to create new ones and free yourself.


Free Yourself is a 3 month  specialised program designed to support your inner process.

It’s a moment in time to support you to work towards long term gain for long term change. Self-acceptance steps forward and brings with it a sense of inner peace as you align and recognise long desires that are now being finally realised. It can bring a simplicity to life that you may have never thought possible.

We work together using Flower Essences and Flower Essence Therapy. 

Using the vibrational energy and pure healing intelligence of flower essences over three months it will bring about a transformation that may bring inner relief, an awe for life, and a knowing of what you value that’s long been missing. No more second guessing yourself.

  • If you’re a highly sensitive soul who is easily pushed off path or can’t seem to find your groove. Nothing seems to float your boat.
  • If it’s time for change and following a yearning that nothing seems to be able to fill
  • If you find yourself easily influenced and can’t seem to commit to your own values, or waiver, constantly. This is a way to find that personal empowerment and hold true to you and the things you love.
  • If you feel you are constantly readjusting to meet others needs or falling into old patterns and old negative mindsets


Time is precious and when we use it to invest in you and move forward in the right direction, you will gain inner transformation and an intimate way to know yourself and what finally connect with what makes you tick.


This 3-month program helps you to

  • Establish pain and negative mindset patterns – when we know how to change our relationship to pain and mental blindspots – everything falls into place.
  • Gain self-confidence and strong esteem
  • Clarity through confusion
  • Simplify life
  • A stronger sense of life purpose and what you need to work through at this time
  • Clear on your values that you won’t want to compromise
  • Understand your personal boundaries
  • A new founded and grounded relationship to yourself 
  • Self-acceptance
  • A new appreciation to live life, not rush it away.


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You will receive

  •  3 personalised and very specific flower essence tinctures over the course of 12 weeks. 
  • Each are created at specific points through the course, each come with their own theme to help propel you forward. There are very specific exercises and inner practises to maximise the 
  • Tools to support your process here and beyond. True empowerment comes when you are gifted tools you can use long after the program is finished. This includes EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique session and also further support to calm and focus the mind and heart.
  • Healing astronomical profile – we dive deep into the healing aspects of your astronomical blueprint. This is very accurate and may solve some inner questions you have always been wondering – we also create a flower essence tincture from this session that is attuned to your birth and the lessons that have presented since.
  • Meditations, visualisations to support your processes
  • Weekly check ins
  • Journal prompts that will continually guide you through your process
  • Email support



This program has been designed to help you move forward in the gentlest of ways. You are required to take time and do the work. This is a super engaged process that requires full attention. It is important to surrender the process and the self, the more you invest in you, the more you will gain to action and release what no longer serves you and the tools to use forever!

When we know what we need to do the inner work, and guided and supported through the experience life responds in the most amazing ways.  

Flower Essences are very gentle and subtle and inner shifts can happen quickly due to the accuracy and healing resonance the flowers bring. From chaos to clarity, from grief to calm, confusion to inner knowing.

If you’re ready to dive in deep – to reconnect to yourself in the most powerful and simplest of ways, freeing yourself from the old, and welcome the new, this program is for you.

This program will runs for 12 weeks $850 

Payment Plans are available please email [email protected]