Colouring Book and Cards


Colouring In is a way to calm the mind, the body, the brain in particular so we can move from a place of stress to one where the brain is relaxed.

Colouring is a mood shifter. I have found it to be a great support and creative outlet to channel excess angst -even a busy mind. Hence, I self-published my very own colouring book –using hand-drawn drawings of Western Australian Native flowers.Each flower has its own healing affirmation.

24 page Colouring Book including a beautiful Flower Meditation and 16 colouring gift cards.


We have recently upgraded the Colouring To Connection Colouring Book to include 16 Australian Native Flowers and healing affirmations for each one. Adding a beautiful Flower Meditation – a simple way to connect to the flowers and flower healing.

Colouring In is a tool to calm the mind, the body, the brain in particular so we can move from a place of stress to one where the brain is relaxed.

Colouring is a mood shifter. I have found it to be a great support and creative outlet to channel excess angst -even a busy mind.

Hence, I self-published my very own colouring book –using 16 hand-drawn drawings of Western Australian Native flowers. Each flower has its own healing affirmation. And each drawing is presented as a gift card. There are 16 in the pack.

24 page Colouring Book including a beautiful Flower Meditation and 16 colouring gift cards.


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