We have recently upgraded the Colouring To Connection Colouring Book to include 16 Australian Native Flowers and healing affirmations for each one. Adding a beautiful Flower Meditation – a simple way to connect to the flowers and flower healing.
Colouring In is a tool to calm the mind, the body, the brain in particular so we can move from a place of stress to one where the brain is relaxed.
Colouring is a mood shifter. I have found it to be a great support and creative outlet to channel excess angst -even a busy mind.
Hence, I self-published my very own colouring book –using 16 hand-drawn drawings of Western Australian Native flowers. Each flower has its own healing affirmation. And each drawing is presented as a gift card. There are 16 in the pack.
24 page Colouring Book including a beautiful Flower Meditation and 16 colouring gift cards.
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