
The Power of Bowen Therapy: A Gentle Approach to Healing Soft Tissue Injury

Woman holding her back in pain

In the realm of soft tissue injuries, finding an effective and non-invasive treatment can be a daunting task. Enter Bowen Therapy Bowen is a gentle therapy not only addressing the symptoms but also targets the underlying causes, promoting overall well-being. Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries Soft tissue injuries encompass a range of conditions including muscle strains, […]

The Perils of Mind Chatter and Worry: Navigating Ways To A Calm The Mind

Girl in the beach, Siverdale, Lesmurdie, Kalamunda

“Understanding the essence of one’s true self, the calm beneath the mental turbulence, and the love and joy hidden within pain, brings freedom, salvation, and enlightenment.” ~ Eckhart Tolle In the age of information overload and constant stimulation, our minds are often buzzing with a constant stream of thoughts that any feelings of freedom, salvation […]

Understanding Restless Leg Syndrome and Muscle Cramping

Restless Legs Blog and picture of legs running in mid air. Tissue Salt and Magnesium Relief.

Restless Legs Syndrome and muscle cramping, are both incredibly uncomfortable and bring discomfort in the legs. Do you wake with the tension of the muscles in your legs, calves and thighs at night or before you go to sleep. Or have the sensations of something crawling up your legs, or pain soon as your legs […]

Blooming Sensitivity: Nurturing Your Empathic Gifts with Flower Essences

Empathy is a beautiful and profound human trait that allows us to connect with others on a deep emotional level.  Do you feel emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? Do you experience inexplicable heavy emotions? Do you tend to please others and take on their pain? Being an empath and sensitive can be […]

Ease Anxiety With Bowen Therapy

Lady staring into space looking sad - picture for Blog Silverdale Natural Therapy - Anxiety

. Life is filled with stressors can affect our mental and physical well-being. Stress is normal and healthy. Yet, if we’ve been exposed to constant stress, loss and unresolved trauma it can manifest in many ways – anxiety being one way. Anxiety, is a common and often debilitating condition, affecting many of us, even millions […]

The Power of Affirmations and Mantra

The Power Of Mantra And Affirmations

The Power of Affirmation and Mantra Our mental well-being can sometimes take a toll in a world of constant challenges and stresses. We can use powerful tools to combat inner negativity, enhance our lives and access our inner depth to bring about healing and personal empowerment.   Affirmations and mantras are something I have used regularly […]

Blooming Bliss | The Magic of Mindful Colouring

Mindful colouring, once thought of as a children’s activity, has gained popularity due to its positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. This practice has been associated with mindfulness, helping many of us to cope with trauma, gain deeper self-awareness, and achieve a sense of empowerment and control over their feelings and lives.  There have […]

Bowen Therapy and Migraine Headaches

Blog Migraine and Bowen Therapy Silverdale Natural Therapy, Perth Hills

Bowen Therapy and Migraine WHEN YOU SUFFER from a migraine, you can feel the rumblings before it happens.⁠ Your vision can start to change, and blind patches or blurriness can occur. Then the throbbing headache kicks in, usually on one side of the head. Sometimes you can become light and sound sensitive. The only solution […]

What’s Iron Got To Do With It?

Silverdale Natural Therapy Iron Blog - What's Iron Got to Do with it. Tissue Salt. Healing Perth

  Anaemia, the official medical term for low Iron in our blood. It’s very common. Iron deficiency has several symptoms many of which can go unnoticed and be dismissed as something else.  Symptoms of low iron can include Dizziness Lethargy  Anxiety Headaches and Migraine Poor concentration Pale Complexion Low Immunity Recently my daughter struggled with […]

How Do Flower Essences Heal?

Flower Essences Perth

How Do Flower Essences Heal? . As you’re aware, Flower Essences are vibrational elixirs using the energetic healing imprints of flowers.  We can use these as catalysts to create emotional change and stimulate personal awareness. They support your soul journey and deepen your resolve to live and work in this way. .Flower Essences are vibrational […]